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Monday, September 8, 2014

Ella's TBR!!

Hello my beautiful little munchkins! 
So as you can see, I will be doing a TBR (to be read). I would also like to say that I am so sorry for not posting on Tuesday... Well I did but the video wasn't working. I will try and post it tomorrow and PLEASE PLEASE comment if it works. I know you all aren't big fans of commenting but please, me and Maeve would love to talk to you. WE LOVE YOU!!
Okay, now to the TBR!
1. Looking for Alaska by John Green. I wrote a description on it on one of the older posts so check that out! I know I am so late on this bandwagon but I will try to read this around the end of this month I PROMISE and if I don't, punch me. 
2. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. Now I have read The Mortal Instruments and I LOVED IT LIKE OMG!!!!! I am so excited to read more of Cassandra's writing becuase she has such a talent for it.
3. The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis. The name says it all.
4. The Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu. Yet another bandwagon that I am not apart of. This is kind of like Hunger Games and Divergent from what I have heard. But different too. I smell.... EXCITMENT!!!!
5. The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyers. I am so ashamed of myself. Punch me plz!!! I have been putting this series off for like 3 years. I've seen the movies, liked them okay, want to read them, facepalming myself rn.
6. The Hero's of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. I read the Percy Jackson series last year and LOVED IT! Can not wait one more second to read more of Rick Riordan. 
7. The Red Pyramid Trilogy (I think) by Rick Riordan AGAIN! EXCITMENT IS TASTY MMMM!!
That is all for now! LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I MEAN IT!!

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